About Us - Drehimpuls
Course booking

Your benefits with us

  • Homely atmosphere
  • Small courses with a maximum of 10 people
  • Flexible - no abonnements
  • Free parking
  • Favorable prices
  • We value diversity and sustainability

fair and sustainable

Our aim

We offer our courses exclusively in the card system.

There is no need to subscribe with us. No monthly fee.
You only pay for what you book! The purchased cards can be used for all courses offered by us (according to the current course schedule). The respective courses can be booked by you independently with our online system Supersaas.

We attach great importance to sustainability and therefore purchase green electricity from Naturstrom and have our account at GLS-Bank.

Our team



is a passionate dancer. Allegedly, she has already danced with her first steps. Her favorite dances are Jazz, Oriental, Latin and in the first place West Coast Swing, which she teaches in Dance Fusion Aachen.
After Marina, she has been in the studio the longest since 2015. She shines in the coaching team with clean technique and of course her dancing skills. With her open and warm manner, you feel directly comfortable and in good hands with her. The progress of the students is very important to her, but also that they have fun in their lessons.



has been doing pole since March 2015 and enriches our studio since June 2016. Due to her strength and flexibility, she progressed quickly and has been giving lessons herself since summer 2017. Her flexible back helps her look especially impressive on pole. She is always looking for new pole moves and new aerial apparatus.
She explains precisely, which is very helpful for students to learn. Their success is very important to her and when a trick finally works after struggling for a long time, she is almost more happy than the students.



comes from a family of artists and grew up in the circus. Already her whole life she is with the heart, whether Hoop, Silks or Hula Hoop. Among other things, the power woman works as an artist and is an absolute professional on stage. In 2012 she became NRW champion in pole dance in the category Professionals, in 2013 she finished third in the German championship. In 2014 she was runner-up in bodybuilding in the fitness class of the NAC Association and in 2015 she became the World Champion and Miss Universe of the NAC Association respectively. Since then, she has advised many professional athletes as a motivational coach.
Her athletic ambition is reflected in her teaching. Freely following the motto ‘There’s no such thing as can’t’, she wants to get the best out of her students. With her motivating manner, she likes to push the students to their athletic limits in order to achieve the best possible training results. She pays close attention to details, such as stretched feet.
She founded the studio in 2015. She is always looking for new challenges and is currently launching her own pole collection.



has already tried out a number of sports – from soccer to ballet – but none has captivated her as much as pole dancing. What she finds fascinating about it is how versatile moving on a pole can be. Whether as a dance sport, acrobatics or for pure strength building.
Most of all, she likes to move with the music, dancing to build strength, stamina and body awareness. Thereby the creativity knows no limits.
In her classes it is important to give everyone the chance to find and live out their own way of pole dancing.



describes herself as a couch potato and says that pole dancing is so far the only sport that could fascinate her. Since October 2016, she now enriches our studio. She lives and trains according to the motto “all in” and infects everyone around her with her positive nature and enthusiasm.
In addition to pole, she loves good food and has a strong penchant for aesthetics. So she simply turned her hobbies into her profession.
In her classes it is important to her; to create a feel-good atmosphere that everyone goes home with a smile and a sense of achievement.



has gained experience in martial arts in the past, but has been on fire for aerial acrobatics since 2019. In addition to pole, her great passion is the vertical cloth, which she also teaches in the studio since January 2022.
In her classes, she likes to cater to her students:inside very individually to allow everyone their personal sense of achievement. Her courses are intended to be a break from everyday life for all participants and, above all, fun should not be neglected.



didn’t feel like going to the gym alone anymore and then dared to try something new. The versatility of pole dancing fascinated her and motivated her to learn new tricks and to work on her dancing skills.
Her (not so) secret favorite class almost from the beginning was Conditioning, which combines pole dancing with strength training. She teaches this class – but also all other classes – with a lot of passion and fun. Even though she demands everything from her students, she creates a relaxed atmosphere in her classes. She gets everything out of her students and supports them in their progress.

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is the physiotherapist of the team. With her wealth of knowledge about anatomy, she will individually cater to you in her conditioning courses such that you become as strong as her. Otherwise, she whirls through the air on the pole or on the silk and is happy to pass on her knowledge there passionately.


Anna G.

began dancing at the age of three and has never really done anything else. Besides classical ballet, modern jazz, tap and contemporary, she discovered pole dancing in 2021.
In 2023 she finally wanted more and first made a Trainer Basic license. This was followed by the basic trainer training and the pole instructor training level 0 – 3 at Polebatics under Nele Sehrt. There’s more to come.
For her choreographies Anna is inspired by different dance styles and focuses mainly on floorwork elements, which are her strength due to her contemporary background.
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Anna M.

has discovered yoga and aerial acrobatics for herself in recent years. What could be more natural than to combine the two and turn to Aerial Yoga. In her classes, your body and mind will be challenged and you will leave the studio feeling light and relaxed.



hadn’t found a form of sport that fascinated her besides the gym until she was given a trial lesson at the Drehimpuls. Lockdowns forced her to do a lot of training on her own, and she learned to love the dance element in pole dancing. It is important to her to respect the obvious roots of pole dancing from the strip clubs, and also to inspire other people for this art form.

Aylin wants her students to have fun, gain self-confidence, and learn to appreciate their bodies and their abilities. She places great importance on the connection to music, and that everyone has the opportunity to discover their own dance style.

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for rent


You are planning an event or have regular events and are looking for the right location? Then rent our rooms.

We are looking forward to your request